Over recent months I have used the term “Power Blogging” for clients. A simple definition is: the creation and publishing of an article or a blog by an independent author which ideally presents your story or message.

We all know the power of articles in publications/newsletters as well as blog and social media mentions. In a web world full of self-promoting material, our natural cynical natures often leave us skeptical of web self-promotion. We often view blogs as ads in a new format.

There is a way to break through the clutter.


References and testimonials are as old as business itself. Buyers naturally seek non biased views of products and services. Recent studies tout that 50% of business in Small Business is still generated by word of mouth referral. How many times have you asked for a customer/client list and made some calls to test the credibility of someone you were about to do business with? Why then are small business web sites saturated with blogs only authored by the owners or employees of the company? It is a rare day when you find a blog authored by an independent on small business sites.  Who has more credibility?

Granted, there are many reasons to write your own blog:

  • Position yourself as an expert
  • Provide your company with a face and personality
  • Create a place where FAQs can be quickly answered by customers and prospects

However there is a fine line as to when your perspective lacks some credibility.


From time to time we suggest you invite an outside guest blogger to enter your world. Yes, you will have to share the glory of your blog page with another name/author. But, that different name may allow you to benefit with credibility and subsequent increased sales.  An outside perspective can:

  • Offer validation to messages you have been conveying
  • Minimize the natural defenses to perceptions of self-serving  self-promotion by readers
  • Tell your story in a different way


Rather than just blog on about the value of an independent blog, why don’t you be the judge? In recent months Opportunity Inc. has contributed to the blogs on a number of our clients web sites. View these examples and let us know your thoughts! Do the words of an outsider help?
